The mission of the Every Child Succeeds® home visitation service is to offer Greater Cincinnati first-time mothers and their families support to ensure an optimal start for their children.

Every Child Succeeds (ECS) is a collaborative, evidence-based home visitation program that includes 9 provider agencies whose social workers, child development specialists and nurses provide services for first-time, at-risk mothers* on a regular basis from the time of pregnancy until the child’s third birthday. Designed to optimize child development and promote a variety of positive outcomes, ECS provides home visits to families in seven counties** in Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky using one of two national models: Healthy Families America®, Health Access Nuturing Development Services (HAND)®.

For more information about the Every Child Succeeds program, please visit the website at www.everychildsucceeds.org

Since becoming a provider agency with the ECS program, Best Point Education & Behavioral Health of Cincinnati has enrolled 2,361 families and provided 55,696 assessments and home visits. We are the largest provider of ECS services in Hamilton County.

* To be eligible, participants must be first-time mothers — either pregnant women or mothers with a baby under the age of 3 months at enrollment. In addition, participants must meet at least one of the following criteria: single mother, low income, received late or no prenatal care, under 18 years of age

** Brown, Butler, Clermont or Hamilton counties in Ohio, and Boone, Campbell or Kenton counties in Kentucky

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Our mission of transforming the lives of children and their families cannot be fulfilled without the generous support of individuals like you.