Individualized counseling services help children and their families maintain a healthy mindset, while also improving functioning at school and at home.
When children experience social, emotional or interpersonal difficulties, it affects their behavior and interferes with their daily lives.
Individual and family counseling services provided by Best Point Education & Behavioral Health are designed to help children attain and maintain a healthy state of mind, while also improving the functioning of the child and the family.
These services – for children of all ages – are provided on our Madison Road campus and in home, school, and community settings.
Counseling: Counseling services are available to improve the functioning of the child and family.
Case Management: Our case managers provide a variety of community-based treatment services to help children function successfully.
Day Treatment: The most intensive of our mental health programs for children ages 3 to 18, this program provides a structured, therapeutic environment.
Substance Use: Our STAR program is a community-based treatment option for adolescents, ages 13-18, with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.
Psychiatric Services: Our team of psychiatrists, pediatricians and psychiatric nurse practitioners provide medication evaluation, review, follow-up and education.
Early Childhood Therapeutic Support: Individual and family counseling services provided by Best Point Education & Behavioral Health specifically for young children and their caregivers.
For more information about mental health programs for children and their families, call 513.272.2800, or via email at
Best Point Education & Behavioral Health is among the region’s largest provider of mental health services for children, and many of these services are eligible for Medicaid reimbursement.