It was Luke’s first year attending Camp-I-Can & he found it difficult to adjust.
He would often lash out towards teachers and students in his group using profanity, intimidation & aggression.
After an interaction shortly into the first week of camp, Luke was suspended for two days until a support plan could be put in place by his therapist, mother & camp supervisor.
The support plan acted as a guide for the supervisor and group leaders to figure out how to better support Luke in his struggles with transitions & change.
Camp-I-Can staff worked at creating a positive relationship with Luke by talking with him about his interests, giving him praise, responsibility & letting him have some control in the work he was doing at camp.
Luke particularly loved football & swimming.
After a few weeks of getting comfortable, Luke would be found swimming with his group and organizing football games on the front lawn.
Luke also loved science and couldn’t wait for the week of our egg drop experiment.
By the end of camp, Luke was adjusted and happy to come to camp.
Luke’s mother even noted that she didn’t have to drag him out of bed in the mornings anymore & that he would often talk at home about the friends he had made.
Luke was showing amazing leadership skills and would often be a helper to students in the Pre-K & Kindergarten classrooms.
One teacher asked if he could stay all the time!
He truly made a huge turn around and when asked if he would come again next year he said, “I hope my mom signs me up!”