Best Point Education & Behavioral Health SCHOOL

Best Point Education & Behavioral Health School is a state chartered, non-public, alternative education option for children who have difficulty succeeding in a traditional school setting. All children referred to our school must have an IEP and district referral, which covers the cost of tuition and provides transportation to and from school.

We are independently operated but are an option for districts that have a need to refer children to a separate facility. Children benefit from low teacher-student ratios (1:4 in the Lower School & 1:6 in the Upper School). Classes focus on each student’s individual needs. Our goal is to transition students from our campus to their home schools when possible.

Download the 2021-2022 School Calendar

Eligible Students:

Have an IEP, district referral, Medicaid eligibility and a diagnostic assessment that indicates medical necessity for partial hospitalization services.

The Integrated Therapeutic Classroom operates on the same schedule as Best Point Education & Behavioral Health Lower School and transportation is provided through Medicaid. Our objective is for students to progress academically and behaviorally so they are able to transition to a less restrictive environment.

Best Point Education & Behavioral Health School Job Readiness

This program is designed to provide the necessary credits towards graduation, while implementing a curriculum that reduces the likelihood of students dropping out.

Training and coaching is provided through classroom instruction, small group sessions, contextual learning experiences, and optional individualized sessions with our Career Readiness Specialist to support a successful transition to adulthood.

Assessment and instruction occur across a continuum of job-readiness related skills:

  • Soft Skills
  • Life Skills
  • Healthy Living
  • Job Readiness
  • College Readiness
  • Technology

The Upper School also utilizes PAES® (Practical Assessment Exploration System) Lab, which offers students structured exposure to over 264 simulated work activities via the transition curriculum.

Theater Arts Program

Best Point Education & Behavioral Health School collaborates with the Ensemble Theater to offer a theatre arts program. This program is designed to enhance student’s self-esteem, social skills and appreciation for the arts. Annually, each school performs an original play, scripted by students. Students learn and participate in every aspect of the play, from writing, set design and lighting to costume fittings and on-stage rehearsal. Students perform to audiences consisting of family members, donors, trustees, and staff.

For more information, or to find out how to refer a student, please call 513.272.2800.

Make a Gift

Our mission of transforming the lives of children and their families cannot be fulfilled without the generous support of individuals like you.


Best Point Education & Behavioral Health is experiencing network issues. We are working with our IT team to resolve the situation. Because of this network issue, we need to close our Education, Campus-based Day Treatments and Medication Management services tomorrow, Friday, February 21st. We apologize for this inconvenience and are working diligently to resolve this issue. Thank you.